Looking to get your vehicle back on the road?

ModuleExperts has the solution, from someone you can trust as a member of the BBB. Let’s face it, when your vehicle is down, you have to rely on other people. So who better to trust than a company with over a century of combined expertise in automotive electronics?  Our ECM Repair Solutions Experts at ModuleExperts can perform an ECM repair on your module and have you up and running in no time. Best of all — for less than a fraction of what car Dealers charge, and that if they even have one for your make and model. If your Engine Control Module (ECM) — also known as Powertrain Control Module (PCM), or Engine Control Unit (ECU) — needs repair, give us a call today.

More About ModuleExperts Rebuild & Return Service (R&R)

ModuleExperts™ R&R Service focuses on repairing your existing Electronic Control Module (ECM, also known as ECU or PCM). Once you place your order with one of our ModuleExperts you will immediately receive a receipt via email with your order information. Attached to the receipt you will find a PDF document named “Control Module Info”. This Form primarily needs to be filled out by your mechanic so we have detailed information we nheed to rebuild your ECM.

Once the Control Module Info form is completed you are ready for shipping to ModuleExperts. Please securely pack your ECM in a box with ample packing material, write your order # on the outside of the box and then ship the ECM to us.

When your ECM arrives it will be checked in under your order # with the Control Module Info Form. If the order # is not written on the outside of the box or the Form is not in the box this could delay your repair service. Shipping & Receiving then routes your ECM to the manufacturing department.

Once manufacturing receives the ECM and the information form provided by your mechanic our ModuleExperts™ will do our Diagnostic Evaluation Service (DES). The DES will determine what components need to be replaced or repaired, if it is repairable at all. Not all control modules can be rebuilt for a number of reasons. (Burnt PCB, Water Damage, non-replaceable components etc.)

If we determine your ECM can be rebuilt, we will then proceed to check components’ availability. Provided the components are available, we will then proceed to repair and rebuild the ECM. If its determined that your ECM is not repairable, then we will roll the cost of the R&R service into a remanufactured control module. It’s that simple!  Our ECM repair specialists are ready to help you today, so visit our catalog here or contact us directly and we’ll be happy to help.